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Guidelines for compulsory activities at the MN Faculty

Some of MN's institutes have their own webpage for information and guidelines for compulsory activities. For more information, see point 1. "Overview of departments and institutes who have their own information regarding compulsory activities" below. 

1. Overview of departments and institutes who have their own information regarding compulsory activities

2. What are compulsory activities?

Many courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN) require student participation in the form of various activities. These requirements are often a prerequisite for being allowed to take an exam.

Compulsory activities include everything from submitting assignments, lab work and fieldwork, commenting on other students’ work or giving oral presentations. This also includes mandatory attendance at teaching.

See individual course pages for information regarding compulsory activities for each course.

3. Absence from compulsory activities

The Department of Physics, The Department of Informatics, the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Technology Systems, the Department of Mathematics,  the Department of Pharmacy, The Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics and Department of Biosciences have their own web pages with information regarding absence from compulsory activities. A link to the web pages can be found above. For information regarding other department, please contact the local information center. See point 7 for contact information. 

4. Postponed deadline for mandatory activities

In the event of illness or other for any other valid reason, a postponed submission deadline or an opportunity to carry out the compulsory activity at a later date may be granted.

To apply for a postponed deadline for compulsory activities, go to the department's  web page. If the department where your course is taught does not have its own web page use UiOs online form for valid absence from examinations and compulsory activities.


5. What is considered a valid reason for absence?

Valid reasons for absence from a compulsory activity include the following:

  • If you, or a person for whom you are the primary caretaker, are ill.
  • Home quarantine or home isolation because of the corona virus.
  • Childbirth.
  • Death of a close relative.
  • Other weighty reasons outside of your own control.

Other compelling reasons beyond your control may be, for example, military service, litigation or political representation. Participation in sports competitions or gatherings, cultural events and political activity on national level may also be approved.

In the event of a longer illness in preparation for your exams, you should consider applying for leave of absence from your studies.

6. Documentation

Valid documentation is a doctor's certificate, confirmation of birth / term or equivalent.

Medical certificates must have a signature and stamp from the doctor, or a digital signature, to be valid. The medical certificate must show the period and scope of the sick leave, and it must be clear from the certificate that you were ill at the time of the compulsory activity. 

7. Questions?

Contact the local information center at your institute or department.

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics


Department of Biosciences


Department of Pharmacy


Department of Physics


Department of Geosciences


Department of Informatics


Department of Chemistry


Department of Mathematics


Department of Technology Systems


Published Apr. 14, 2020 1:15 PM - Last modified May 23, 2024 4:02 PM