Emilie is a special consultant at Bymiljøetaten

Emilie works on developing urban life and public space in Oslo and her background in Human Geography has proved to be very useful.

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What is your job description?

I work in the Agency of Urban Environment (Bymiljøetaten) in Oslo Municipality, as a Special Consultant (spesialkonsulent, en stillingstittel i Oslo kommune) in the Section for Events and Rentals (seksjon for arrangement og utleie). This means we are responsible for renting out municipal grounds for various activities like festivals, urban initiatives and concepts, food trucks, demonstrations, and more. I process applications, issue permits, guide organisors,  work on different projects, and collaborate with others to make things happen.


What is the most exciting thing about your job?

The most exciting part of my job is being involved in developing urban life and public space in Oslo. There are so many different things happening. I find it particularly rewarding to work on sustainable projects and discover new, interesting things happening in the city and ways to collaborative on good initiatives. 


How do you use your educational background at work?

My education in human geography is really useful in my job. It helps me see the big picture when working on something, as well as having knowledge about sustainability and urban development. I also use what I've learned about social inequality and methodology in my work.

Human geography is a wonderful field of study, as it looks at thing from an interconnected perspective, and is relevant for so many important issues as well as jobs today. 

What is a typical day at work?

A typical day at work for me usually involves some meetings, some processing of applications or working on projects, and collaborating with others. I also go on site visits to different places in the city to see how things are going or to plan upcoming events.

How did you get the job?

I got the job by applying when it was advertised. I think what made me stand out was my interest in the field (urban development and sustainability, as well as an interest in exploring cultural events) and my experience with administrative work and collaboration.

What are your best tips to students who are looking for your type of job?

My best tip is to focus on what you're most interested in during your studies. Your passion will shine through in application processes and interviews. It's also a good idea to gain some skills allongside your studies that you can showcase when applying for jobs, but this can be many different things. For example a part time-job doing administrative work (especially relevant for jobs in public sector), project-work, or a job/volunteer work in an organisation. It’s always great to gain experience with collaborative work. 

I believe it's important to incorporate your passion and values into your work, alongside your expertise and knowledge of various subjects. Even when operating within a bureaucratic system and, of course, while maintaining objectivity where it is needed. However, the perspective each of us offers is always valuable regardless.

Emilie Asplund Lindøe

Study programme: Master in Human Geography
Graduated: 2021
Job title: Special consultant
Employer: Agency of Urban Development (Bymiljøetaten)
Published Mar. 4, 2024 10:58 AM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2024 10:58 AM