
Publisert 22. aug. 2014 09:42

The bookstore has put a rush order on the Norton anthology, and new copies will be available in the middle of next week.



Publisert 21. aug. 2014 10:22

Hi everyone - I have heard from several of you that the books for ENG 1304 are sold out at Akademika. I spoke with Akademika today and more books have been ordered, and should be available in 2 weeks.


In the meantime, the library in Sophus Bugges should have a couple of copies for use in the library (meaning you can't check them out) and the library in Georg Sverdrups hus will have 1 copy for library use, although this might take a week or so.


***It is probably in your best interest to order the Norton via Amazon or other online venues - the books will come more quickly.***


 The correct book is:




 You need both volumes, and make sure it is AMERICAN and not English literature.


The other novels are also easy to order online and should not cost very much, either.

Publisert 19. aug. 2014 13:05

Dear all - due to the large number of students signed up for ENG 1304, we will be moving the lectures to Sophus Lies auditorium so as to have enough seats for everybody. The time (11.15 - 12) will be the same. However, the lecture on 23 September (week 39) will be back in Sophus Bugges, but only for that one week.


The auditorium is in the MATNAT building next to the Library:

Publisert 30. mai 2014 08:46

Note the change in schedule for groups 4, 6 and 7 in weeks 38, 42 and 43.

Publisert 9. mai 2014 10:07

Gruppene 7 og 8 er for LeP studenter. Er du LeP student, meld deg på gruppe 7 eller 8.