Welcome to the course

The three project work courses MAT2000, MEK3200 and STK-MAT2011 share common lectures in the beginning of the semester. These are primarily led by Karoline and Martin. In addition, each course has a course leader:

  • MAT2000: Tuyen
  • MEK3200: Atle
  • STK-MAT2011: Gudmund

The course leaders are responsible for pairing students with supervisors, and grading the oral presentation of the mandatory assignment and the final exam.

The first few weeks consist of lectures on generic writing and research skills. The learning outcome of the lectures is tested in a short written mandatory assignment graded by Karoline and Martin, followed by an oral presentation in front of the course leaders.

The majority of the semester is spent working on a project with a supervisor. This culminates in a paper and an oral exam.

Published Oct. 28, 2019 10:40 AM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2019 12:28 PM