
Publisert 30. aug. 2018 15:33

Dear all,

The general schedule for lectures and labs is:

Tuesdays: 9-12          and         Wednesday: 14-16.

The first lectures will start Tuesday 4th of September and will take place in Agora in Forskningsparken. From 9-11 you will have a lecture and from 11-12 you will be given a HSE tour of our lab.

The persons in charge of the teaching will be Thomas Aarholt and Kalliopi Baziotis


Publisert 20. aug. 2018 11:31

Grunnet få påmeldte studenter til emnet vurderes alternative undervisningsformer dette semestret.

Ønsker du å ta emnet, møt opp i møterommet "Agora" lokalisert  hos FERMiO i Forskningsparken. Torsdag 24. august kl. 12.15.

