STV1100 2015H


Institutt for statsvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo

STV1100 Politisk teori 1 (innføringsemne)

4 timer


Nedenfor står utdrag fra tekster av tre teoretikere: Robert Nozick, G.A. Cohen og John Rawls.

  1. Hva handler disse tekstene om?
  2. Gjør rede for de tre standpunktene.
  3. Pek på forskjeller mellom dem. Er det også likheter mellom noen av dem?

Det er naturlig at spørsmål (2) og (3) får (mye) mer oppmerksomhet, og (langt) større plass, enn (1).


Robert Nozick:

The entitlement theory of justice in distribution is historical: whether a distribution is just depends on how it came about.

In a free society, diverse persons control different resources, and new holdings [besittelser] arise out of the voluntary exchanges and actions of persons.

From each according to what he chooses to do, to each according to what he makes for himself (perhaps with the contracted aid of others) and what others choose to do for him and chose to give him …


G.A. Cohen:

It is commonly true on camping trips … that people cooperate within a common concern that, so far as possible, everybody has a roughly similar opportunity to flourish, and also to relax, on the condition that she contributes, appropriately to her capacity, to the flourishing and relaxing of others. … You could imagine a camping trip where everybody asserts her rights over the pieces of equipment, and the talents, that she brings, and where bargaining proceeds with respect to who is going to pay what to whom … Now, most people would hate that. Most people would be more drawn to the first kind of camping trip than the second …


John Rawls:

… the guiding idea is that the principles of justice for the basic structure of society … are the principles that free and rational persons concerned to further their own interests would accept in an initial position of equality as defining the fundamental terms of their association. … This way of regarding the principles of justice I shall call justice as fairness.

… a simplified situation is described in which rational individuals with certain ends and related to each other in certain ways are to choose among various course of action …

… principles of justice may be conceived of as principles that would be chosen by rational persons. … The theory of justice is part of the theory or rational choice.


Publisert 26. okt. 2016 16:42