Key facts

What is the programme about?

  • The overall purpose of the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management programme is to educate ambitious students with a background within science and technology for a career combining both technology/natural sciences and business.  
  • Your target job after graduation is developing and commercializing new products and services in either large established enterprises or newly formed startup firms. Some of you also dream of founding your own company when you feel ready.

What differentiates this programme from others?

  • Both corporate and new venture entrepreneurship – The programme trains all students in both managing innovation projects in existing organizations to start and grow a company from scratch. The training is reinforced through real life semester long projects. To our knowledge, we are the only programme in the Nordics with such an offering:
    • Real life training in corporate entrepreneurship within a global firm - During the third semester student groups, operating as corporate teams, develop a real innovation project within one of Norway’s largest and most attractive global firms. The selected projects represent all major issues for the respective company and give the students an insight into the strategic innovation challenges each company faces.
    • Real life training in starting your own firm in StartupLab - During the second semester student groups, operating as founding teams, develop and execute their own project from scratch sitting jointly together with exciting  startup-firms in StartupLab, an on-campus incubator.
  • The programme has entered into partnerships with the blue chip companies DNVOrkla, Kahoot, Møller Mobility Group, TietoEVRY and Norsk Gjenvinning, all headquartered in Oslo with a global footprint within their respective industries. The career opportunities for programme students will be significant.

Other features

  • Optional summer internship abroad – Experiencing the entrepreneurial culture first hand working as an intern in a local startup company for ten weeks in either San Francisco, Boston or Toronto between second and third semester .

A further elaboration of why study Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management at UiO (in Norwegian) is found here.

Published July 9, 2020 7:06 PM - Last modified June 1, 2023 3:48 PM