Reimbursement of field/lab activity related to the MSc thesis

All active master's students in Geosciences can apply to get field activities related to the work with the master's thesis covered. 

Students in the master’s programme in Geosciences and CS: Geoscience can apply to get expenses up to NOK 15,000,- (incl. VAT) for fieldwork (accommodation, travel, food), lab work or similar activity, directly related to work with the master’s thesis, covered. 

Analyses that cannot be carried out at the University of Oslo (UiO) can be carried out by external laboratories, but note that there are special concerns on how to send an invoice to the UiO

Examples of expenses that are not covered: 

  • Purchasing equipment like compasses, shovels, machines etc. 
  • Conference fee
  • Travel costs to the conference
  • Driving allowance
  • Expenses related to travel and accommodation for studying (e.g. doing courses at UNIS). 

Conference fees can be covered by e.g. the Industrial Liaison fund (login required) at the Department of Geosciences, but must be approved, and applied for, by the UiO supervisor. The student needs to participate with a scientific contribution in order to apply. For more information on the fund, please contact the fund's secretary

Submit the web questionnaire below and you will be contacted with more information on how to send in your reimbursement and documentation. To be filled out by the student.

Request reimbursement

Tags: expense support, field support
Published Mar. 7, 2023 12:54 PM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2023 8:48 AM