
MUS 4211 – Fagseminar i musikkvitenskap Pensum


Bent, Ian: “Analysis”. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (ed. S. Sadie and J. Tyrrell). London 2001 (48 s.) (eller web-utgave: Grove Music Online (ed. L. Macy),

Kerman, Joseph: Musicology. London 1985. Kap. 1, 3 og 4 (115 s.)

Tomlinson, Gary: “The Web of Culture. A Context for Musicology”. 19th Century Music VII/3. University of California, April 1984 (13 s.)

Annet: Dahlhaus, Carl: The Idea of Absolute Music. Chicago/London 1991. Kap. 4–7 (s. 58–117) (62 s.)

Dahlhaus, Carl: Foundations of Music History. Cambridge 1983. Kap. 1–5 (s. 3–70) (70s.)

Div. forfattere: “Psychology of Music”. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (ed. S. Sadie and J. Tyrrell). London 2001 (eller web-utgave: Grove Music Online (ed. L. Macy),

Feld, Steven: “Communication, Music and Speech about Music”, i: Feld/Keil: Music Grooves. Chicago 1994, s. 77–95 (19 s.)

Moore, Allan (ed.): Analyzing Popular Music. “Introduction”, Cambridge, s. 1–15 (15 s.) Nielsen, Frede V.: Almen musikdidaktik. København 1994, s.163–290 (130 s.)

Sundberg, Ove Kr.: Pythagoras og de tonende tall. Oslo 1980. Kap. IV–IX (45 s.)

Østerberg, Dag: Fortolkende sosiologi, bind II. Oslo 1997, s. 11–59, 89–130 (90 s.) (rev. 28.07.06)

Publisert 24. mai 2007 15:02 - Sist endret 24. mai 2007 15:18