Syllabus/achievement requirements

Basic Syllabus

The syllabus for this course consists of the lecture notes on the webpage (chapters 2-15) and 3-5 compulsory projects. The final  project will be graded and counts 50% of the final mark. A final written exam which counts 50% is also part of the total evaluation.   The  topics relevant for the final written exam, in addition to projects 1 and 2 done by all are covered by the topics discussed in the points 1-4 below (and discussed during the various lectures)

1) Monte Carlo methods in physics (Lecture notes chapters 11 and 12)

2) Partial differential equations (Lecture notes chapter 10)

3) Ordinary differential equations (Lecture notes chapter 8)

4) Linear algebra and eigenvalue problems. (Lecture notes chapters 6 and 7)

A good text that can be used (with more math plus much material on parallelization) is 'Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI', of Karniadakis and Kirby III, Cambridge. Follow this link

Our lectures are also not so different from Rubin Landau's text, with Paez and Bordeianu, 'A survey of Computational Physics', see the link

Additional literature

In addition we recommend highly the texts on Numerical Recipes in C++ or Fortran90 by Press et al. The C, F77 and Fortran90 can be downloaded down for free, follow the links at Numerical Recipes

The program library in C++ and Fortran2008 used in this course is a rewritten version of the Numerical Recipes codes.

Publisert 17. aug. 2014 21:57 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2014 22:17