Update last three weeks

Dear All, first, thanks again for heroic efforts with project 4 and for fantastic reports on project 3. We are aiming to send you all feedback on project 4 by December 3. Let me also know if you can see on devilry the points on project 3. I am not sure if you can see them. 


Else, there are only two weeks left of the semester sadly!  We will use our last lectures on partial differential equations and for those of you dealing with the two PDE versions project 5, we will this week (Thursday and Friday) discuss the two-dimensional solution of the diffusion equation and the Poisson/Laplace equations. Furthermore, an explicit scheme for these equations will also be discussed. On Friday we will also discuss parts of the molecular dynamics project. The Monte Carlo project was discussed partly last Thursday. It is a slightly simpler, from a simulation point of view, project than the Ising model one from project 4. 

The last week (November 27-December 1) we will end our discussion of PDEs on Thursday and summarize the projects and possibly the course. We may not have a lecture on Friday December 1, but it depends on where we are on Thursday November 30. The material is covered by the slides on PDEs and chapter 10 of the lecture notes.


December 1 is also our last lab day. There are no lectures or lab sessions from December 2 since the exam period begins then, but you are always welcome to use the computer lab and/or swing by for questions or just a chat. 

We will also have pizza at the lab again on December 1.  If there is interest for this, I would like to propose a potluck at the lab this coming Friday. Those who wish to (please let me know) could bring some cakes to the lab this coming Friday. Coffee is as always on us. 

best wishes to you all,


Publisert 20. nov. 2017 07:01 - Sist endret 20. nov. 2017 07:01