Weekly plans and update for week 44

Hi all and welcome to a new week. We hope all is well.  The most important message this week (until new information on Thursday at 12pm is received ) is that we will have our normal in-person labs this week This may change after this coming Thursday but we hope to be able to keep the in-person labs. These are essential to the course. 

Else, thanks so much for heroic efforts with project 3, they look really nice.  Congratulations to you all. We are very proud of you.


We will  most likely be able to send you feedback in approximately two weeks, in good time before project 4 is to be finalized. Note that we have changed the deadline for project 4 to November  23 due to a collision with the final exam in FYS3110 on Nov 18 (this should never have happened, exams should start from December 1). 


Project 4 is available (some minor changes may be introduced this evening however).



Last week we discussed Monte Carlo integration and we started with Random Walks, Markov chains and pertinent definitions. This material is covered by chapters 11 and 12 of the lecture notes.

This week we will discuss (Thursday) Markov chains and the Metropolis algorithm and parts of project 4 (the first parts).  This material is covered by sections 12.2-12.5 of the lecture notes.


On Friday we keep discussing the Metropolis algorithm, section 12.5, and the specific math of project 4. The latter can be found in sections 13.3 and 13.5 of the lecture notes.


Best wishes to you all and stay healthy.

The fys3150 gang.

Publisert 28. okt. 2020 15:48 - Sist endret 28. okt. 2020 15:48