Volunteers for short review meeting

Hi all,

As mentioned last week, our course has been selected for review this semester. What this means is that we need to have a short review meeting where we talk about what aspects of the course worked fine and what aspects should be improved. So we are looking for 2-3 students who can join this meeting. The others joining the meeting will be me, the group teachers, plus one representative from Fysisk Fagutvalg.

Gianmarco has already kindly volunteered to join as one of the students, but we still need 1-2 more students.

We're aiming to have the meeting on Friday December 17, and it will be possible to join via Zoom. (Most of us will probably be on Zoom anyway.)

So if you have time and would be willing to join a short meeting to share your thoughts, please just send me an email. We'd really appreciate your help with this. :)

Also, if you cannot volunteer for the meeting yourself, but still have a point you want to mention, Gianmarco has kindly offered that you can send him an email, and then he can bring it up in the meeting. His email is <see email in Canvas message>

Hope you all have a nice Friday and that the work with Project 5 is going well!


Publisert 10. des. 2021 16:54 - Sist endret 10. des. 2021 16:56