
Publisert 26. apr. 2005 02:00

Oblig 3 has been uploaded.

Publisert 10. mars 2005 01:00

The lecture notes have now been completely rewritten. You should have finished Finite Size Scaling before Easter.

Publisert 3. mars 2005 01:00

Oblig2 has been uploaded. You should finish this before Easter.

Publisert 3. mars 2005 01:00

A new set of exercises has been uploaded. You are expected to finish the second exercise set before Easter.

Publisert 21. feb. 2005 01:00

I have paternity leave until Easter. However, you are expected to continue with exercise set 1 from percolation. Please download my newly updated matlab codes. By the 24th you should have started on the last exercise - measuring the mass-dimension of the percolation cluster.

Publisert 4. jan. 2005 01:00

Introductory lecture Tuesday January 11.