SAI’s data storage guide

Guidance for students at the Department of Social Anthropology (SAI) who need secure storage for green, yellow, red or black data.

It is important that you discuss how to manage research data with your supervisor. It is your supervisor who is responsible for ensuring that you are in compliance with the current data laws and legislation. All projects that will be collecting personal data must be registered with Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research.

You can find more information about what personal data is here.

Classification of data

In order to determine how your data should be stored you must first classify it. Consult UiO’s classification guide to find out if your project data is green, yellow, red or black. If you are unsure, you should process and store your data as if it was red.

If you suspect that you will be collecting black data, please get in touch with SAI’s research adviser for more information. For green, yellow and red data, continue reading.

Storing and processing green and yellow data

As a general rule, you can store and process green and yellow data on your own device. Yellow data, i.e. «restricted», may be stored on your own device if the computer and the way you use it meets certain criteria.

If you are using nettskjema and/or the diktafon-app for collecting your data please read further about storage of red data, as this might also be a good solution for you. 

Storing and processing red data

If you are collecting red data in your project, you must store it in Educloud.

Educloud is is a project-oriented self-service platform, where you can store, process and share data. Educloud is integrated with nettskjema, the diktafon-app and autotekst, making it the preferred option if you are using these services. See more here: Educloud Research - University of Oslo ( 

To set up your educloud account, please send a request to SAI’s research adviser. Be advised that Sikt must have evaluated your project before your account can be created.

Publisert 14. des. 2020 10:23 - Sist endret 20. mars 2024 07:54