
SOSANT2540 Psykologisk antropologi


Bøker som kjøpes i bokhandel/Akademika eller lånes på biblioteket:

@ Broch, Harald Beyer: Jangan Lupa: an experiment in cross cultural understanding : the effort of two Norwegian children and Timpaus Indonesian villagers to create meaning in interaction, 2002. I serie: The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture/Institutt for sammenlignende kulturforskning, Serie B, Skrifter; Vol. 109.

@ Gherovici, Patricia: The Puerto Rican Syndrome, 2003. New York: Other Press.

@ Scheper-Hughes, Nancy: Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics, mental illness in rural Ireland, (1982) 2001 . University of California Press.

Artikler i Kompendium:

Bock, Philip K.: "The Importance of Erving Goffman to Psychological Anthropology" i Ethos, 16(1), 1988. Sidene 3-20 (16 sider).

Broch, Harald Beyer: "Continuity in oral literature at Timpaus, Indonesia" i Anthropological Forum, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1996. Sidene 383-402 (18 sider).

Broch, Harald Beyer: "Yellow Crocodiles and Bush Spirits: Timpaus Islander´s Conceptualization of Ethereal Phenomena" i Ethos, 28(1) , 2000. Sidene 3-19 (15 sider).

Engelstad, V.: "FREUD - noen hovedpunkter i psykoanalytisk teori" i Aarnes, A. & H. Salomonsen (red.): Tanke og Mistanke , 1987. Oslo: Aventura Forlag. Sidene 55-72 (18 sider).

Fox, Robin : "Myth as Evidence of Psychological Processes" i Philip K. Bock (ed.): Psychological Anthropology, 1994. Praeger. Sidene 211-229 (17 sider).

Greenfield, P.: "What Psychology Can Do for Anthropology, or Why Anthropology Took Postmodernism on the Chin" i American Anthropologist, 102(1), 2000. Sidene 564-576 (11 sider).

Kusserow, Adrie S : "De-homogenizing American Individualism in Manhattan and the Queens" i Ethos, 27(2), 1999. (14 sider).

Lohmann, Roger Ivar: "The Role of Dreams in Religious Enculturation among the Asabano of Papua New Guinea " i Ethos, 28(1), 2000. Sidene 75-102 (24 sider).

Mattingly, Cheryl, Lutkehaus, Nancy C. og C. Jason Throop: "Bruner's Search for Meaning: A Conversation between Psychology and Anthropology" i Ethos, Vol 36(1), 2008. Sidene 1-28 (28 sider).

Oring, Elliot: "Victor Turner, Sigmund Freud, and The Return of the Repressed " i Ethos, 21(3), 1993. Sidene 273-294 (18 sider).

Wikan, Unni: "Beyond the Words: The Power of Resonance" i American Ethnologist, 19(3), 1992. Sidene 460-482.

Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur fra fellespensumet:

Ardener, E.: "Belief and the problem of women" i S. Ardener (ed.): Perceiving Women, London: J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd.. Sidene 1-17.

Howell, Signe: "Nature in culture or culture in nature? Chewong ideas of 'humans' and other species" i Descola, P. og G. Palsson (eds.): Nature and Society: Anthropological perspectives, 1996. London: Routledge.

Rosaldo M.: "Towards an Anthropology of Self and Feeling " i Shweder, R. og R. LeVine (eds.): Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion, 1984. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sidene 137-57.

Rosaldo M.: "Women, Culture and Society: A Theoretical Overview" i Rosaldo Michelle og Louise Lamphere (eds.): Women, Culture and Society, CA: Stanford University Press. Sidene 17-43.

Talle, Aud: "Transforming Women into 'Pure' Agnates: Aspects of Female Infibulation in Somalia" i Broch-Due, V., Rudie, I. og T. Bleie (eds.): Carved Flesh Cast Selves, Gendered Symbols and Social Practices, 1993. Oxford/Providence: Berg Publishers.

Turner, Victor: The Forest of Symbols: Symbols in Ndembu Ritual, 1967. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press. Sidene 19-47.

Publisert 4. apr. 2009 09:48 - Sist endret 29. mai 2009 18:42