Norwegian version of this page

How to make a good password

Choose a password no one can guess.

We recommend making a sentence as your password

  • You can use spaces and multiple words.
  • If you want, you can make a traditional password: numbers, special characters, upper- and lowercase letters.
  • The new password cannot be similar to passwords you have used previously.
  • The new password cannot contain your name or username.
  • The indicator shown when changing your password will change from red to green when your chosen password fulfills the length and complexity requirements.

For ePhorte users

If you want to use the import central for importing e-mails in ePhorte, you cannot have a password that contains the Norwegian letter æ,ø and å, spaces or -:\;#.

Having problems with æ, ø and å

In some cases passwords containing æ, ø, å, and some other special characters (non-ASCII characters) won't work correctly for all systems (like ePhorte). If you experience problems logging in we recommend changing to a password without these characters. You will get a warning if you try to create a password with characters that may be problematic. 

For the especially interested

If you want to know more about passwords and complexity, you can read more about what requirements we have and how the complexity of it is calculated (in Norwegian).

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Published July 5, 2018 11:05 AM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 2:48 PM