Modul I: 8 practical assingments of which 3 should be delivered by 10:00CET on the 6/2

 Dear All,

8 practical assingments are suggested to exercise with on the topics we covered so far. On the 3/2 at noon I will announce which 3 of these 8 should be delivered proving your excellency in these topics. The delivery is due on the 6/2 at 10:00CET - either to the FYS3410 box at the Dept of Physcs Epedition Office or directly to me via email. The feedback will be provided asap. Please be aware, your delivery records will be assessed when deciding the final grade at the examination.




Publisert 29. jan. 2015 10:47 - Sist endret 29. jan. 2015 10:47