Change for submission.

A little change of pace for the first Home exam:

  • The time of oral presentation does not change. It is Tuesday 17th September as before. But you don't have to upload anything before the presentation.
  • The deadline for submitting your presentation material will be Tuesday the 24th instead of Tuesday the 17th. This material uploaded on the 24th can be different from the material used for presenting on the 17th. The Inspera system should be opening at 12:00 today.
  • The reasoning for this is as follows: when you present your results tomorrow, we will use as much time as needed for discussing both the data you discovered and your approach to presenting it. Everybody will be able to learn from feedback for themselves and feedback that everybody else in the course will get. This allows you to improve your own presentation, for an improved learning effect and, quite likely, a better result.
Publisert 16. sep. 2019 09:47 - Sist endret 16. sep. 2019 09:47