
Publisert 22. nov. 2019 08:49

You can find the 2019 dataset here, and it is now also linked from the text of the home exam.

Publisert 4. okt. 2019 12:43

I've uploaded the content and instructions for the user study. You can find the link under "Support material" on the source page, or directly here.

Each of us should collect ratings from at least 5 different people before the lecture on October 15. Use the common Mattermost channel for questions, clarifications and good tips for the others.

Publisert 30. sep. 2019 11:34

I'm currently having a fever and I'm not going to be in perfect shape tomorrow. Please check the messages tomorrow morning, I will announce here if I have to cancel. If not cancelled, the session will have to be shorter than usual.

Publisert 16. sep. 2019 09:47

A little change of pace for the first Home exam:

  • The time of oral presentation does not change. It is Tuesday 17th September as before. But you don't have to upload anything before the presentation.
  • The deadline for submitting your presentation material will be Tuesday the 24th instead of Tuesday the 17th. This material uploaded on the 24th can be different from the material used for presenting on the 17th. The Inspera system should be opening at 12:00 today.
  • The reasoning for this is as follows: when you present your results tomorrow, we will use as much time as needed for discussing both the data you discovered and your approach to presenting it. Everybody will be able to learn from feedback for themselves and feedback that everybody else in the course will get. This allows you to improve your own presentation, for an improved learning effect and, quite likely, a better result.
Publisert 12. sep. 2019 14:34

You can find an updated version of in /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/IN5060/h19/undervisningsmaterial/v2/ . It contains several examples for Tracing of variables. I hope that it can still be helpful for some people.

Tested on Mac and Linux.

Publisert 6. sep. 2019 10:47

The Mattermost group has been created for us. I hope that all of you have received the invitation!

Please use Mattermost for discussing how to set up and use ns3 (including which state variables exist, how to extract them, etc.), as well as TCP.

Publisert 4. sep. 2019 14:00

The text for home exam 1 is not published under the "Home exam" label.

To help each other with ns3, we should be able to use the Slask clone Mattermost that UiO has licensed, but I've been told that it is not ready yet. I'm open to receive your questions by email until that system is available for us.

Publisert 3. sep. 2019 15:48

You can find the slides from the simulation lecture linked from the Timeplan page.

The link to ns3 and specifically also to the patched "Dumbbell" source code can be found under a link in the "Support material" section. In my browser, that appears in the right column.

Publisert 26. aug. 2019 09:54

There is some instability in displaying the Timeplan-page today, therefore also as a message: the second session of the course is on September 3.

Publisert 20. aug. 2019 15:11

Hi !

You can find the slides from the intro lecture in Timeplan table.