BROKEX (Brokering China´s Extraversion) seminars spring 2021

This semester the UiO-based project, BROKEX (Brokering China´s Extraversion) will host a series of seminars that might be relevant for your studies.

The seminars will be hosted on Zoom, and already next week, February 3, 15:00 (OSLO TIME), you will have the opportunity to join the first seminar:

SEZ@40: Shenzhen as a New Global Development Model?

Shenzhen was declared China’s first special economic zone 40 years ago. Which path does the city take? What is its role as a development model today?

You can sign up for it here: Sign up here.

Our next seminars are:

March 3rd. New Type of Great Power Relations (新型大国关系): Global power and Chinese national identity .

April 7th. Assembling the new China: Labor brokerage.

May 5th. Brokers of aspirations: Education and cosmopolitanism.

To read more about the project or the different seminars, please visit our project page here.

Publisert 28. jan. 2021 11:20 - Sist endret 28. jan. 2021 11:20