Semesterside for FYS4170 - Høst 2019


Felles undervisning

Emnet har felles undervisning med FYS9170 – Relativistisk kvantefeltteori. Se semestersiden til dette emnet for timeplan og beskjeder.

The QFT exam is now graded. 

The GR exam is now graded. Out of the 50 available points, 12 were needed for a pass and 37 to get an 'A'. The final results are available here, including a breakdown of points achieved per problem. As announced earlier there are detailed solutions along with grading instructions. 

Please note that significant time and effort has gone into grading and providing the example solutions at this level of detail. So if there is anything you wonder, and that is not answered by the solutions, do by all means contact us! (In particular before considering 'official' appeals, not the least because this can in fact lead to a worsening of the grade)

Thanks to everyone for actively contributing to the course!

20. des. 2019 08:50

As mentioned last time, there is no problem sheet for our final exercise session tomorrow. We will start at 10:15 in K. Birkelands auditorium and review the topics of the last couple of lectures and exercise sets, highlighting some tips and tricks. As usual there will be a Q&A part, a great chance to ask any remaining questions (also about other parts of the course)!

21. nov. 2019 19:21

The final exam (on December 9) will in principle cover everything that we touched in the lecture and exercises. You will be allowed to bring 2 pages (double-sided) of own notes with you (but no other tools). I strongly advice to start preparing and organizing these notes early, and with special care and attention, because this will significantly support the learning and understanding process of the rather involved concepts introduced in this course. Hand-written notes are much more useful in this respect and hence preferred.

11. nov. 2019 09:14