
StreamViewer is a mxj-object for Max that visualises individual data streams.

StreamViewer was implemented to be a convenient helper when working with sensor data. Its sole purpose is to visualise data streams for the user to examine what is going on without any patch reconfiguration. All you need in your patch to get going with StreamViewer is an instance of the object itself.  StreamViewer creates an OpenGL driven window and visualise all strings that are prepended with "listStream".

StreamViewer does not evaluate string length so be careful that you don't blow up your patch by feeding it strings with many variables. It will plot each string in the same graph area, e.g. the axes of a three dimensional accelerometer will be plotted in one [x,y] section in the StreamViewer window.

Published Nov. 14, 2012 9:59 AM - Last modified Oct. 22, 2020 1:41 PM