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Guidelines for KVU

Guidelines for the Committee for Cultural and Social Activities (KVU) at the University of Oslo. Revised and approved in a negotiation meeting between the parties at UiO on 11 May, 2010. These guidelines are effective as of 1 June, 2010. The guidelines have been further revised on 8 February, 2018.

1. Objective

The Committee for Cultural and Social Activities (KVU) shall strengthen communal bonds and promote a sense of belonging among all employees at UiO.

Events organized by KVU are open for all employees at UiO and the employer shall, as far as possible, make sure it is possible for everyone to attend these events.

2. Measures

KVU shall organize activities and create forums for social interaction across work places, disciplines and positions so that employees may become better acquainted with various segments of UiO and with each other.

The activities may be social or cultural events, excursions, or special sports events.

KVU may also provide funding to associations and activities with a more specific purpose which as a general rule are open to all UiO employees.

In addition, the committee may support the implementation of social networks and other measures across disciplinary and position boundaries which aim to improve satisfaction among employees.

KVU administers the Community Welfare Award which is awarded annually to a group of employees, an academic group, or specific individuals.

3. Composition, function, and duration of service

KVU is comprised of an equal number of representatives of the employer and of the labor organisations, as well as one observer:

  • Employer: 4 representatives
  • Parat at UiO: 1 representative
  • Norwegian Association of Researchers at UiO: 1 representative
  • Norsk tjenestemannslag (NTL) at UiO: 1 representative
  • Academic staff at UiO: 1 representative
  • 1 observer/resource person

The employer representatives and the observer/resource person are appointed by the University Director. The labour organisations appoint their own representatives.

In addition, two substitutes shall be appointed – one for the employees and one for the employer. The substitutes have the right to attend committee meetings.

As far as possible, nominations and appointments of the members and substitutes are to encompass a broad range of disciplines, positions, genders, ages, and cultural backgrounds.

The members are appointed for a period of three years with the opportunity to be re-appointed for one additional period. Appointments are made 31 January or 31 July, however, only up to half of the members may be changed at any given time. Normally up to 2 representatives for the employer and up to 2 representatives for the employees will be replaced each time.

The committee selects its own chairperson who serves for a period of three years. The chairperson may be re-elected for one additional period. The position of chairperson should alternate between the employer and employee representatives. The committee selects a vice-chairperson from among its members. The vice-chairperson assumes the leadership role when the chairperson is absent.

The chairperson is responsible for leading the committee in keeping with KVU’s objective and for ensuring that funds from the budget are allocated and used in accordance with applicable guidelines.

The committee or chairperson may delegate special tasks to the members in connection with the committee’s overall activities and the individual events. At least one member shall represent the committee at each event. The committee members participate for free at all events.

4. Meetings

KVU holds a minimum of four meetings per year – two in the spring and two in the autumn. Any additional meetings are held upon request of the chairperson or two members.

A minimum of four members are needed to constitute a quorum. The members have an obligation to vote. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority. In case of a tie, the chairperson will cast the deciding vote.

5. Budget and accounting

KVU allocates annual funding from UiO’s budget.

KVU shall allocate funding in a manner that benefits the employees in keeping with the committee’s objective.

The accounting year for KVU follows the calendar year. Use of the funding is subject to ordinary audit procedures.

Annual accounts of the committee’s activities must be submitted to the University Director by 1 February.

6. Information and announcements

KVU shall use the various internal information channels at UiO to disseminate information about the committee’s activities.

Published Apr. 7, 2010 11:56 AM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2021 11:16 AM