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Work environment survey 2024 (ARK)

This year the first joint work environment survey at UiO are conducted among all faculties and units.

Four UiO employees sit around a meeting table. Moss wall in the background.

Photo: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

The work environment survey is an important tool for developing a good work environment. As an employee, you have the opportunity to influence your work life through this survey. It is expected that everyone responds to the survey and contributes to the follow-up.

You will be involved in developing measures to maintain and improve your work environment. 

Results from the survey

Report with more results (pdf, 3,13, MB) (Norwegian only)

Abstract in English

This report has been prepared to provide an overview of the results from the ARK survey conducted during the winter of 2024 at UiO. It also offers insights into the development of key work environment factors from 2013 to 2024. The results presented can guide efforts to identify priorities in the systematic work environment initiatives for UiO as a whole. This type of reporting will also serve as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of measures implemented in the future.

UiO employees generally perceive the work environment as good, with a positive trend in key work environment factors from 2013 to the present. Employees in leadership positions tend to have a more positive view of their work environment compared to other employees.

One in thirteen employees have experienced unacceptable behavior in their work at UiO over the past six months, with the highest occurrences being harassment, discrimination, and bullying. This issue affects employees across all job categories and is present throughout nearly the entire organization. Half of those who have experienced unacceptable behavior have not reported it and are less aware of how to report such incidents than other employees. They also feel less safe reporting these incidents. For employees to receive help, they need to report incidents, know how to report them, and feel safe doing so. They must also feel that these incidents are handled appropriately.

Results of analyses of correlations suggest that preventive measures to reduce unacceptable behavior can also enhance employee satisfaction. Employees perception of the management as accepting, acknowledging, and appreciative seems crucial for how employees perceive participation and information, the learning and development climate, and the unit’s conflict management climate. This, in turn, can affect both the perception of the climate as conflict-filled and overall job satisfaction.

This report highlights some key areas to focus on in follow-up processes at UiO. The aim of these processes is to determine how to achieve desired changes in the identified areas.

More results

Download results for UiO as a whole (pdf, 1,12 MB)


Faculty of Humanities (pdf)
Faculty of Law (pdf)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (pdf)
Faculty of Medicine (pdf)
Faculty of Dentistry (pdf)
Faculty of Social Sciences (pdf)
Faculty of Theology (pdf)
Faculty of Educational Sciences (pdf)

Other units

Museum of Cultural History (pdf)
Natural History Museum (pdf)
Management and Support Units (pdf)

How to read the results

The results are presented in seven themes or action areas. They are displayed in bar charts as average values and standard deviations (black lines). The standard deviation shows whether employees have responded fairly similarly (short line) or differently (long line).

The results are presented both as individual questions and groups of questions. Individual questions are represented by turquoise bars, groups by blue bars.

Some questions are marked with R. These questions were originally formulated negatively, but in the presentation they are flipped, so that a high score represents a positive result.

When results are compared to previous years, combined data from units at UiO that have previously conducted ARK is used. This is the first year UiO is conduction a joint survey with all units.

Learn more

An opportunity to influence your work environment

As an employee at UiO, it is expected that everyone contributes to a safe and health-promoting work environment. 

The work environment survey is used to assess the organizational and psychosocial work environment at the units and for UiO as a whole.

The survey and follow-up meetings are opportunities for you as an employee to provide feedback on your work situation and influence your work environment.

You can contribute to making your unit a better workplace for you and your colleagues, and help build a valuable database for work environment research.

As an employee, you are expected to:

  • respond to the questionnaire sent via email
  • participate in the review of the results in your department
  • reflect on what the results mean for you and your unit
  • provide suggestions on how to develop and maintain the work environment
  • participate in the implementation of work environment measures in your unit

About the survey

The ARK-survey is designed for the entire university and college sector in Norway, and is a collaborative project between the universities in Oslo, Bergen, Tromsø, and Trondheim.

At UiO, we conduct work environment surveys:

  • because a good work environment is essential for us to thrive, have good health, and perform our jobs.
  • to obtain an overview of how employees perceive their work situation.
  • to provide a basis for strategic work environment initiatives and organizational development measures.
  • because a good work environment is necessary to achieve UiO's goals.
  • to fulfill the requirements of the Working Environment Act for a sound work environment, health-promoting workplaces, systematic mapping, and follow-up of the work environment.

More information for managers and safety representatives


If you have any questions about the work environment survey (ARK), please contact your local ARK coordinator.

Any comments about the tool or the survey itself can be sent to

Published Sep. 14, 2023 1:04 PM - Last modified May 30, 2024 12:30 PM