Accounting for hours worked

This page is a guideline to the Department's accounting system for hours worked. All employees need to complete a certain amount of work for the Department each semester.

The purpose

The purpose of this page is to offer an overview of each employee's teaching and examination duties.

Work hours per semester

  • As stipulated by the University of Oslo, all employees need to work the following amount of hours per semester:
  • Professor/Associate Professor below the age of 60: 449 hours
  • Professor/Associate Professor 60-61 years old: 439 hours
  • Professor/Associate Professor 62 years and older: 415 hours
  • Lecturer? (Universitetslektor): 678 hours
  • Doctoral Reseach Fellow: For Research Fellows employed on a four year contract the required duty is 25 per cent (approx 212 hrs pr semester). All Doctoral Research Fellows get up to two semesters with no duties which means that the total number of required duty is 1272 hrs.


Each semester, the person in charge of Accounting will, based on the information available to the Department, update your hours in AURA. At the beginning of each semester you will receive a draft showing the hours you worked the previous semester. These hours only include teaching and examinations. Upon receiving this draft you will need to fill in other types of work you have done that should be registered under required duty, e.g. meetings, supervising master students or phd candidates etc. This form should then be returned and your account will be updated with the new information.  You will then receive the final version of the account - which you need to sign and return. Thereafter, the Head of Department will sign it and give it back to you

The table below shows how many hours you get credited for for the work you do for the Department:

TEACHING (lectures)  
SOSANT1000 5,0
SOSANT1101 5,0
SOSANT1200 5,0
SOSANT1300 5,0
SOSANT1400 5,0
SOSANT2000 5,0
SOSANT2XXX courses (e.g. SOSANT2210/2530) 4,5
SOSANT4110 4,5
SOSANT4120 4,5
SOSANT4300 Writing seminar 4,5
SOSANT4400 Literature seminar 4,5
SOSANT9100 Recent Theory in Anthropology (phd) 4,5
SOSANT9013/14 Writing and Method (phd) 4,5
TEACHING (seminars)  
All seminars except SOSANT4110, SOSANT4300 and SOSANT4400 3,5
Seminars SOSANT4110, SOSANT4300 and SOSANT4400 4,0
Attending lectures (for seminar leaders) 1,0
Coordinator OSI-seminar 50,0
Lecture OSI-seminar 5,0
Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Sciences 100,0
Preparation time for lecturers 10 ECTS courses 40,0
Preparation time for lecturers 20ECTS courses 80,0
Master thesis 4,0
PhD thesis 5,0
Midway evaluation PhD, opponent 10,0
Midway evaluation PhD, leader 2
Midway evaluation PhD, coordinator 7
Midway evaluation PhD, supervisor (attendance) 3
Supervision SOSANT3090 Bacheloressay 2,0
Mentoring 3,5
General administration 27,0
General administration, lecturers 20,0
Student consultation time 20,0
Student consultation time for lecturers 20,0
Admission for master degree (reading project proposals etc) 25,0
Meetings (per hour of meeting) 2,0
Making the exam 1,0
School exam (5, 6 or 8 hrs) 1,0
Take home exam (2000-2800 words) 1,5
Take home exam (2900-4400 words) 2,0
Bachelor thesis SOSANT3090 2,5
Project proposal SOSANT4120 2,5
Field report SOSANT4200 1,5
Master thesis 8,0
Final oral exam (MA) 2,0
Examination meeting for supervisors (incl reading thesis in preparation for oral exam) 5,0
PhD Recent Theory in Anthropology SOSANT9100, essay 2,5
Adjudication 30,0
First opponent 20,0
Second opponent 15,0
Coordinator 10,0
Defence leader ("Settedekan") 10,0
Applicants for Professor position  
1-3 applicants 45,0
4-7 applicants 75,0
8 or more applicants 100,0
Applicants for Associate Professor (Researcher1183) position  
1-3 applicants 25,0
4-7 applicants 40,0
8-15 applicants 60,0
16 or more applicants 80,0
Applicants for Post-doc (Researcher1109) position  
1-3 applicants 25,0
4-7 applicants 30,0
8-15 applicants 35,0
16 or more applicants 50,0
Applicants for Lecturer/phd/Researcher1108 position  
1-3 applicants 10,0
4-7 applicants 15,0
8-19 applicants 30,0
20 or more applicants 40,0
Coordinator 10,0
Admission to PhD-programme 2,0
Applications for SAI-stipend 0,5
VERV (?)  
Acting Head of Department 25,0
Head of Programme, BA 150,0
Head of Programme, MA 200,0
Head of Programme, PhD 175,0
Area coordinator 30,0
Coordinator "instituttseminar" 60,0
Coordinator lunch seminars 20,0
Course responsibility (major courses "fordypning") 20,0
Course responsibility (2XXX) 10,0
Published Nov. 6, 2015 3:19 PM - Last modified May 20, 2020 9:21 PM