SCANCOR Guest Researcher Stay Fall 2024 - Stanford

Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR) facilitates international research in organizational social science. They have a biannual call for visiting scholars at Stanford University.

About the visiting scholars scheme

SCANCOR welcomes visiting scholars to Stanford University. Scholars may stay between one to four quarters of the academic year. Formal applications are required (see application section below).

  • Access to on campus libraries
  • Participation in seminars and social events
  • Applicants for all quarters are advised to plan their arrivals in advance of the start of an academic quarter and not at mid-term

Appointments at SCANCOR are intended to serve the strengthening of the international organizational research community without regard to disciplinary boundaries. 

Appointments are typically for one or two Stanford quarters (maxiumum one academic year). Longer stays are generally encouraged.

Visiting Scholar appointments do not provide monetary perquisites. 

More information

See the call at the SCANCOR webpages.

Publisert 26. okt. 2023 15:25 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2023 15:25