Team Lau, Moe og Westlye

Here is the election program for this team.

Below is a presentation of the the candidates in this team: 

Bilde av Bjørn Lau

Bjørn Lau

Lau is a trained psychologist and also have a master's degree in social psychology, as well as history of ideas and law as part of a cand. mag. degree. He completed his doctorate at the University of Bergen, based on a prospective longitudinal study of the early development of eating-related problems among adolescence. As a psychologist, Lau is trained in both dynamic short-term therapy (ISTDP) and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Lau is employed as Professor II at PSI at the Unit for Work and Organizational Psychology. He also works as a research advisor at Lovisenberg Hospital and leads the mental health research group at the same location. Previously, he worked clinically as a psychologist at the "Return to work" unit at Lovisenberg DPS. Lau has extensive experience in organizational psychological work in various companies with a focus on leadership development, work environment development, and conflict management. As a leader, he has six years of experience as Head of Department at the National Institute of Occupational Health, three years as head of the Norwegian Society of Organizational Psychology and two years as deputy head of the Norwegian Association for Clinical Evidence-Based Hypnosis.


Bilde av Vibeke MoeVibeke Moe

Moe is Dr. Psychol., associate professor at the Clinic for Child and Family Therapy and specialist in clinical psychology. She earlier worked at Aline Infant and Family Centre, Nic Waals institutt, and RBUP East & South, where she was part of the leader team of the National Network for Infant Mental Health. Her areas of interest includes developmental psychopathology, mental health in the transition to parenthood, infant mental health and psychotherapy with children and their families. Moe collaborates with researchers across several areas and disciplines. She has directed several studies of children of parents struggling with substance abuse, and has since 2012 directed the Little in Norway-study, where more than a thousand families have been followed since early in pregnancy.  

Moe is a supervisor at the Child and Family Clinic, and teaches at several seminars and courses at the professional program. She has so far been the supervisor for seven PhD-candidates. She also has long experience teaching at the post-graduate level for inter-disciplinary groups of mental health workers, as well as specialist courses for psychologists. She initiated and was for several years head of an interdisciplinary course in infant mental health at RBUP. In 2015 she got the students award for best lecturer at PSI.


Bilde av Lars Tjelta WestlyeLars Tjelta Westlye

Westlye is a trained psychologist with a ph.d. in cognitive neuroscience. He is currently employed as an associate professor at PSI at the section for cognitive and clinical neuroscience and as a researcher at Oslo university hospital. Westlye is a Core Researcher and part of the leadership at the Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT) and has since 2012 directed an active, interdisciplinary and productive research group currently comprising more than 20 people with different backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities. 

Westlye is the principal investigator on several large research projects sharing a common aim of increasing our understanding of the causes of mental disorders, particularly focusing on environmental and biological changes occurring during sensitive periods of life, and is currently the main supervisor for seven and co-supervisor for eight ph.d. candidates. He benefits from extensive national and international collaborations, and is a partner in several international collaborative studies. Westlye has been awarded several prestigious grants and award: HSØ Career Development Grant (2014), RCN Young Research Talents (2015), ERC Starting Grant (2018), OUS Early Career Award (2018), and the Anders Jahre Prize for Young Scientists (2019). Westlye is married and has three children aged 2-6 years.

Publisert 12. sep. 2019 15:20 - Sist endret 12. sep. 2019 15:57