Master's degree supervisors


The students are normally enrolled for a 2-year periode. They start mid August one year, and should hand in their master thesis by the 15th of May two years after.

Some students apply for part-time studies or absence of leave, thus there will be more than different dates for handing in the theses. The following article describes what must be done during that semesters you supervise a student.

Before admission

Potential applicant asks for possible master's projects. Please add your projects or themes to our web-site Mulige masteroppgaver in order to show what you offer. Remember to deactivate projects which are no longer relevant. 

The master's programmes arranges meetings between students and study options. Talk to the contact person for your study option(s), in order to give the proper information and representation of your field.

The first semester

Applicants are offered admission in mid July and will as rule of thumb be informed of the possibilities within the study option around mid August. Please be active and participate in meetings for your study option in order to show the students which projects we can offer. 

The students must write an master's agreement and send to the study administration within the 1st of December *. They are encouraged to contact all potential supervisors in order to find a supervisor with a project suituble for them as early this semester. If you cannot find the time to talk to a potential student, please schedule an appointment at a later time or refer them to a colleague. Avoid sending the student from one supervisor to another without getting any help.

The master's agreement will contain a project description with a brief description of the thesis' goal, scope, issue, preliminary titel, methods and milestones per semester. The project description must be written by the student. The supervisor will be interviewed by th studenter in order to give the student the information he/she needs. Experience has shown us that the student needs time to make the project his, so we recommend an early start, preferably mid semester. Students cannot co-operate on project at the department of physics. Project descriptions which are generic or too much alike will therefore be returned to student and supervisor for their iterations.

The master's agreement must contain the master's project, the agreement cannot be approved without a complete description of the project. If you find that you must change the project once it has been approved, you need to send a reviced project description. If the changes are substantial the project must be approved by the programme board.

If your student needs special syllabus as part of her theoretical curriculum, you will be the one who are responsible for controlling the content and substituting normal coursework.

* Students who have passed at least 20 ECTS of their theoretical curriculum previous to admission must hand in their master's agreement and project description by the 1st of September. This will normally lead to more time pressure with regards to finding courses and project. Student and supervisor should reach out to the study administration early in order to process the agreement quickly.

The semester before the students starts the master's project

Make sure the resources the student needs for the project are there. This will typically include articles, technical equipment, infrastructure, data. If there are any delays with regards to deliverance look into if this will lead to any delays for the master's project and make futher adjustments. Please contact the programme coordinator to find options.

Next to last semester

This semester is normally the last semester the student may enroll for courses and special curriculum according to the regulations. If your student has any courses left after this semester you need to reach out to the programme coordinator in order to fin options.

Last semester

The students get their deadline for handing in the master's project as soon as the master's agreement has been approved. They are tolk to notify their supervisor regarding the deadline. If they apply for part-time og absence of leave they will also be told to convey the same message to you.

As a supervisor you need to make sure that you know the routines for master's exams. This means amongs other things that you need to make appointments for the exam with the sensors and the student, but also that you need to communicate with the study administration in order to make the exam happen.

Expectations of supervisors

Publisert 25. nov. 2022 15:54 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2022 15:54