
Gå på kurs og lær deg å finne fram i faglig litteratur, om etisk bruk av kilder, kritisk kunne vurdere ulike typer informasjon og bruk av referanser og kildehenvisninger. Se kursbeskrivelser for UBs kurs.

Kommende 5 dager

i dag mai
Tid og sted: , GSH: DSC-Oasen

Data Carpentry develops and teaches workshops on the fundamental data skills needed to conduct research. Its target audience is researchers who have little to no prior computational experience, and its lessons are domain-specific, building on learners' existing knowledge to enable them to quickly apply skills learned to their own research.

Tid og sted: , Domus Medica Medisinsk biblioteks kursrom 2228

Dette kurset gir en metodisk og praktisk innføring i systematiske litteratursøk.

Flere kommende kurs

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 4

Transkribus is a comprehensive platform for the digitisation, AI-powered text recognition, transcription, and searching of historical documents. In this workshop you will get a demonstration of Transkribus and learn how you can use this tool in your research.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 4

Learn how to collect, organize, and share your bibliographies, cite as you write, and generate reference lists in different formats.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, Seminar rom 2

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, DSC-Oasen

A one day hands-on workshop to learn the principles of databases and SQL. The workshop will go through important episodic lesson materials with accompanying exercises using the SQLite query language and database system. SQLite is very similar to other query languages such as MySql, PostGres, Oracle, so the knowledge gained from this workshop can be used over a broad scope.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 2

Learn how to mark up, tag, and annotate your research material with Zotero, gathering your research material and research notes in one place.